In Memory of Anne Louise Kelly – November 13, 2023

Anne Louise Kelly passed away peacefully on November 13,2023 at her home in Chevy Chase, MD. She was the loving mother of, John (Siobhan), Ryan (Zoila), James and Patrick, who cared for her during her long fight with Primary Lateral Sclerosis (PLS). She is also survived by her grandchildren, Ryan, Jr., Bridget, Andrea, Maeve and Brendan. Anne was born on December 21, 1950 in Dubuque, IA to Captain Robert and Dolores (Clemens) Downes. During her formative years she lived on military installations all over the world. Her parents and her sister Ellen (Tom) Amen predeceased her in death. She was the loving sister to: Susan (Herb), Gindy and James, Robert, Jr., and Peter (Rose) Downes. Aunt Anne also remained close to her many nieces and nephews. She worked at St. Bartholomew Catholic Church and as a bookkeeper for the Washington National Eye Center and Hartman Cox Architects. Though she was committed to her work, Anne’s life was marked most by her total devotion to all of those she touched. Her home was always a gathering place for family, friends and neighbors to meet and enjoy life.


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